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Tagged opie, grandkids : Two chil'ren that bring me great joy
This post is the one that's flagged as giving me trouble compiling. Can I modify it and not break things? Yes, it's fine. Not sure what I was seeing before.
I think I was trying to use excerpt in two different places-front matter and in the body. Working now.
What Is This?
I tried to use the domain for email, but some large companies rejected that domain as not being a valid eamil address. I thought one test they might do is see if a website exists. So I threw this site up to see if that helps matters.
I used CSS from Pico CSS to get something up quickly. I may personalize it more as the days go by.
Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ac risus varius quam; fusce donec purus diam. Cubilia cras sociosqu enim quis nascetur mus; vehicula suspendisse enim. Imperdiet dictumst porttitor libero, malesuada parturient magna penatibus. Dictum euismod eu augue est eleifend sociosqu. Suspendisse morbi risus condimentum quisque parturient aliquet. Metus eleifend est eros lacus duis justo. Torquent habitant praesent at sit class dapibus auctor. Porttitor adipiscing aenean montes faucibus placerat nec augue eget. Class tincidunt sapien dictumst a, sollicitudin potenti aptent.
London is the capital city of England.
It is the most populous city in the United Kingdom, with a metropolitan area of over 13 million inhabitants.
Paris is the capital of France.
The Paris area is one of the largest population centers in Europe, with more than 12 million inhabitants.
Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ac risus varius quam; fusce donec purus diam. Cubilia cras sociosqu enim quis nascetur mus; vehicula suspendisse enim. Imperdiet dictumst porttitor libero, malesuada parturient magna penatibus. Dictum euismod eu augue est eleifend sociosqu. Suspendisse morbi risus condimentum quisque parturient aliquet. Metus eleifend est eros lacus duis justo. Torquent habitant praesent at sit class dapibus auctor. Porttitor adipiscing aenean montes faucibus placerat nec augue eget. Class tincidunt sapien dictumst a, sollicitudin potenti aptent.
What if you have a lot more content in this column? No problem.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
It is the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the most populous metropolitan area in the world.
Below the grid
Ai yi yi!